Life of a Pest Control Operator: The Unsung Commandos of Urban and Rural Landscapes

Life of a Pest Control Operator: The Unsung Commandos of Urban and Rural Landscapes

The life of a Pest Control Operator or a Company head is akin to that of a commando, always prepared to face known and unknown Adversaries, navigating unpredictable circumstances with agility and resilience. These dedicated professionals operate in diverse environments—from Homes and Hotels to Hospitals, Industries, Hospitality and Food Service Centers, Agriculture Fields and infection…

The Importance of Training of Trainers (TOT) in Biological Sciences, Pest Control and Climate Change

The Importance of Training of Trainers (TOT) in Biological Sciences, Pest Control and Climate Change

In today’s rapidly changing world, the fields of biological sciences and Pest Control are more crucial than ever. With the ongoing challenges posed by climate change, effective Pest Management is becoming increasingly complex and essential. One of the key components in ensuring successful pest control and sustainable practices is the Training of Trainers (TOT) program….