Effective Monkey Management Strategies: Safeguarding Urban and Agricultural Environments

Effective Monkey Management Strategies: Safeguarding Urban and Agricultural Environments

Monkeys, with their high intelligence and adaptability, present Unique Challenges when they Venture into Urban and Agricultural Areas. Their interactions can lead to various Nuisances or even dangers to both themselves and Humans. This blog entry explores effective Strategies to manage Monkey Populations humanely and keep them at bay, focusing on a combination of Deterrents…

A United Front Against Human-Wildlife Conflicts: Ahmednagar’s Innovative Path Forward

A United Front Against Human-Wildlife Conflicts: Ahmednagar’s Innovative Path Forward

In the verdant landscapes of Maharashtra, the district of Ahmednagar stands at the crossroads of Human Progress and Wildlife Conservation. As interactions between Local Communities and Wildlife, especially Leopards, grow increasingly frequent, the need for Innovative Conflict Mitigation Strategies has never been more critical. Avinash Salunke, the visionary Founder and Director of Pestosys LLP, Pune,…