Ongoing Projects

The titles of various Projects, Start-ups and initiatives undertaken by Avinash with different Partners & Stakeholders:
Pestosys LLP: A Start-up specializing in the development and manufacture of Natural Repellents for Vertebrate Pest Management.
BareFooter School: An educational initiative focused on Skill development and job training for rural and grassroots individuals.
VPM Bio LLP: A Vertebrate Pest Management Company offering biologically safe Projects for Agriculture.
Animal Out: A Product line of Pestosys LLP for repelling Wild Pest animals like Monkeys and Wild boars.
Rat Run Green Bait: A Safe and edible bait for rats, developed as a dual-purpose Product also suitable as Cattle Feed.
Bee Safe Protection: A Start-up Project focusing on the Protection of bees in urban settings using Natural Essential oil-based Products.
Gliricidia Fodder Project: An initiative to utilize Gliricidia Sepium as Cattle Feed and a Natural deterrent for rats.
Eco-Friendly Dishware Project: A Start-up idea to produce dishes, bowls and other kitchenware from agricultural waste like sugarcane, bamboo and fruit tree waste.
Sustainable Wooden Kitchenware: A Project aimed at crafting kitchen utensils, containers and cookware from wood for health benefits.
Aquatic Ectoparasite Control: A Start-up focused on creating a Natural Project for Ectoparasite Control in fish Farming using specially designed stoneware.
VPM Bio LLP's Avian Management Project: An initiative to develop Projects for bird Pest Control in various sectors including Agriculture and aviation.
Agricultural Pipeline Desilting Project: A Start-up Project for creating a herbal Project with EDTA to clean Agricultural and industrial pipelines from saline water siltation.
Organic Certification and Marketing Consultancy: A collaboration between Pestosys LLP and MGM Agritech & Research Institute Pvt. Ltd. for providing expertise in organic Farming and Product Marketing.
Woolen Fabric Innovation: A Project to create sustainable Woolen garments and accessories from sheep wool, promoting health benefits and traditional crafting techniques.
Millet-Based Café Project: An entrepreneurial venture by Mr. Chinmay Bhor for promoting millet-based dishes in his Nakshatra Cafe, focusing on Healthy, Organic and Innovative culinary experiences.
Green Plant-Based Cattle Feed: A Start-up idea for producing Cattle Feed from non edible weed plants, particularly focusing on Gliricidia Sepium.
Safety and Fire Consultancy Services: A division of Pestosys LLP offering professional services in safety Management Systems, Fire Prevention and Protection.
Airfield and Road Safety Projects: A Project under VPM Bio LLP for developing safety Projects for Airports and Roadways.
Agricultural Research and Collaboration with Universities: Initiatives for conducting field experiments and research collaborations with agricultural universities to benefit Farming communities.
Bee Safe Urban Project: Developing Natural Projects to safely Repel bees and other insects from urban environments without causing harm.
Pestosys LLP's Rat Run Bait Testing: Conducting multi-locational trials to test the efficacy of Rat Run bait in different environmental conditions.
PPP Model MOU with Horticulture Universities: A partnership model between Pestosys LLP and various horticulture universities for joint research and Product development.
Avinash Salunke's Intellectual Property Consultancy: Offering Consultancy Services in intellectual property Management and Protection for Start-ups and innovators.
Start-up Mentorship and Ecosystem Building: Engaging in activities to mentor new Start-ups, connect them with knowledge Partners and build a supportive Start-up ecosystem.
Forest Biodiversity Conservation Project: A Project focused on the conservation and sustainable use of forest biodiversity, promoting ecological balance.
Rural Youth Development Initiatives: Programs aimed at developing Skills and creating employment opportunities for rural youth in various sectors, including Agriculture and entrepreneurship.
Manipur University Collaboration: A tie-up with Manipur University for youth development, offering Courses and facilitating job placements in various fields including Agriculture and Start-up development.
Natural Repellent and Attractant Product Development: Innovations in creating Natural Repellents and attractants for various Pests and Wildlife, contributing to sustainable Agriculture and environmental Protection.
Avian Management Innovation: Development of Projects for bird Pest Control, focusing on sustainability and minimal environmental impact.
Rat Deterrent and Safe Bait Development: Creating innovative Projects for rat Control that are safe for both the environment and non-target species.
Pesticide Alternative Research: Conducting research and development of Natural alternatives to chemical Pesticides for Plant Protection.
Start-up Incubation and Support: Providing mentorship, resources and support for new Start-ups in the field of Agriculture and environmental sustainability.
Knowledge Partner Collaboration: Establishing partnerships with institutes like NIRDPR, NIPHM, MANAGE and others for knowledge exchange and joint Projects.
Funding and Investment Facilitation: Assisting Start-ups in securing funding and investments from various sources, including CSR initiatives and angel investors.
Agricultural Innovation and Technology Development: Focusing on the development of innovative agricultural technologies and Projects for modern challenges in Farming and Plant Protection.
Natural Product Research and Development: Dedicated to researching and developing Natural Products for various applications, including Agriculture, healthcare and Pest Management.
Eco-Tourism and Rural Development Projects: Initiatives to promote eco-tourism and contribute to rural development, integrating traditional knowledge with modern practices.
Wildlife Management and Conservation Efforts: Projects aimed at managing and conserving Wildlife populations, particularly in agricultural settings, using humane and eco-friendly methods.
Sustainable Agricultural Practices Promotion: Advocacy and implementation of sustainable agricultural practices to enhance Farm Productivity and environmental health.
Forest Project: Waiting for Grants
Animal Repellent for Monkey Wild and Stray Animals
Snake Management by Snake Out Powder
Snake Management by Natural Snake Out Powder
Tiger Repellent
Wildlife Mgmt. by Tiger Urine Repellent
Wild Boar Mgmt. by Bait
Rodent & Vermin Mgmt. by Sterility tools
Methyl Anthranilate Bait for Pigeon Repellent
Rodent & Vermin Mgmt. by Alpha Chlorohydrin Bait
Animal rescue tools Standardisation
Tool: Fire Wall & Fire Ball
Glyricidia based Rodent Mgmt.
AI based Fire Protection System
AI based Powered Drones for Search & Rescue
Online "Rest at Forest" for Accommodation & Ecotourism
Bee-Safe Management and Relocation of Wild Bees in Urban Settings