Sr. No Course Name Content of 5 days Course
Fruit Plants
Fruit Plants Training/ Pruning of Pomegranate, Guava, Grapes, Mango, Santri, Mosambi, Amlaand others. Theory and Practical Classes.
Post-Harvest Harvesting, Sorting, Grading, Cold storage, Packing, Labeling, Branding, Marketing, Export, Phyto-cert, Organic cert. Theory and Practical Classes.
Organic Farming
Organic Farming Calendar of operation, Open Practices, Use of traditionalism, Record making, Branding, Labeling, PHT. Theory and Practical Classes.
Food Processing
Search of excess fruit, simple processing, Packing of available & traditional.
Shevaya, Kurdaya, Chatani, Papad, Khakra, Jam, Jelly, Squash, Pickle, Candy, etc.
Veggie Drying
Easily available veggies collection, Drying. Theory and Practical Classes.
Paste & Pulp
1 Onion, Garlic, Ginger paste making. 2 Simple baby pulpier machine work with fruits & preservation techniques.
Fruit Gardening
Marking, Pit making, Plantation, Irrigation.
Nursery 1
Poly bag filling, Tray making, Seedlings, Bed preparation, Sale of seedlings as per season. Theory and Practical Classes
Nursery 2
Budding, Grafting, Cutting, Air layering, Shaping. Theory and Practical Classes.
Shifting Trees
Bigger trees transplantation for avenue purpose. Theory and Practical Classes
Plant Protection
Soil, Poly Hs Fumigation, Spraying, Dusting, Formulations, Do & don’t dos.
Problems In Nursery
Field problems Solution of technical, non-tech ground realities in Poly Hs, shed nets. Theory and
Bouquet Making
Making of Flower arrangements in Bunch for gift. Theory and Practical Classes.
Bonsai Making
Keeping Controlled growth of plants. Theory and Practical Classes.
Stage Decoration
Flower arrangements in open fields for special purpose. Theory and Practical Classes.
Live Wind Brakes/Fence
Use of Natural plants to protect field from wind & create Natural barrier. Theory and Practical Classes.
Poly House Technician
Training in Poly house for Farming from Erection to Production. Theory and Practical Classes.
Fodder growing of maize for Livestock or animals. Theory and Practical Classes.
Dog Rearing
Breeds ID, Habits, Food, Feed, Health, Pest Control, Vaccination, care, Training. Record keeping. Theory and Practical Classes.
Horse Rearing
Breeds ID, Habits, Food, Feed, Health, Pest Control, Vaccination, care, Training. Record keeping. Theory and Practical Classes.
Cat Rearing
Breeds ID, Habits, Food, Feed, Health, Vaccination, care, Training. Record keeping. Theory and Practical Classes.
Traditional Cows Rearing
Breeds ID, Habits, Food, Feed, Health, Vaccination, care, Production from cows' Products. Training. Record keeping. Theory and Practical Classes.
Birds Rearing
Breeds ID, Habits, Food, Feed, Health, Vaccination, care, Training for pigeon, Emu, poultry. Record keeping. Theory and Practical Classes.
Rearing Sericulture
Breeds ID, Habits, Food, Feed, Health, Vaccination, care, Training. Record keeping. Theory and Practical Classes.
Rearing Honey Bee, Mushroom
Growing of cultures of Apis, Cryptolaemus, EPN, Riduvid bug, Crysoperla, Meat fly for sale. Theory and Practical Classes.
Maintenance of Drip, Sprinklers, Plumbing, Electric motor fitting, Head calculation, Poly house repairing, Piping. Theory and Practical Classes.
Tractor, Power Tiller Practices
Tilling repairing, modifications & easy engineering. Theory and Practical Classes.
Plant Protection Services
Spray pumps, types, Uses, water pH, EC, droplet size, Repairing, Bowers, Dusters, HTP, Petrol pumps, Battery pump’s use. Theory and Practical Classes.
Weed Control
Wild grass killing with Pesticide either selective or non-selective, pre/post emergence. Theory and Practical Classes.
Seed Grain Protection
Different ways of Seed & grain Fumigation for preservation with traditional technology. Theory and Practical Classes.
Preparation & use of Gel bait for Pest Control in House hold & Agriculture.
Soil Fumigation
Dairy, Poultry, poly house, Sericulture disinfection Control. Theory and Practical classes.
General Pest Control in Poultry, Cow or Animal house. Theory and Practical Classes.
Knowing %, EC, SC, Technical, WP, w/w, ppm, Gas Concentration for Pesticides. Theory and Practical Classes.
Identification of Insects
Pest, predator, parasite defenders, offenders know-how. Theory and Practical Classes.
Rodent Controlling
Rat Controlling programme with practical & Theory.
Snake Controlling
Control of Snakes, Habitat, Biology, ID, Poisonous-Non-poisonous, Snake Management. Theory and Practical Classes.
Lab Experience of Pathology
Manufacturing of low-cost Entomopathogenic Bio-fungicides. Theory and Practical Classes.
Lab Assistant Course
Know-how of handling Bio-lab equipment. Theory and Practical Classes.
Low-cost manufacturing of bio-fertilizers. Theory and Practical Classes.
Low-cost manufacturing of bio- fungicides EPF. Theory and Practical Classes.
Bio Control Agents
Manufacturing of different bio agents. Theory and Practical Classes.
Organic Farming without Pesticides using trap crops, pheromones, baits, alternative to Pesticides. Theory and Practical Classes.
Indian Herbs
Rishi Parashar Sanhita book referrals for Agri use of herbs as Pesticides. Theory and Practical Classes.
Ayurvedic plants study for Product manufacturing & designing in formulations. Theory and Practical Classes.
Baba Ramdev
Yog Guru Ramdev baba & his CD with study material for slim & healthy body. Theory and Practical Classes.
Experience sharing & storytelling by Strugglers got successful business today with different Practical’s.
Motivation Lectures
My story of Failure: Avinash Salunke & Team of failures…Success. One day course.
Other Business 1
Plastic welding, Land deals, Land Mark-out, Land calculations, Gardening, Landscaping, Garden contracting, Labour supply.
Other Business 2
Medical Labour: Nurse, brother supply to needy after a STP. Supply of skilled people as placement center from village to urban with ID cards.
Learn Meditation In Tourism
Tips of weight loss, Yoga, Siddha Samadhi, Sadhana, Vipasyana, Gym, exercise, Organic food, work in Farm, stay at Ranch, Beekeeping, Horse riding, Milking.
Entertainment Arrangement
Maratha songs, Powada of Raja Shivaji, Bharuds of Maratha, camp-Fire-dance, Swimming, Hunting, climbing, Jungle stay.
Personality, Manners Training
Drivers, Waitress, Bartenders, Gardeners, Housekeeping workers, Hs Servicemen, Farmhouse workers, Watchman, Phone manners.
Tourism Arrangement
Tele talking, Office handling, Manners, Open field works, Inside house works, Food choice, kitchen works, Safety, Hazards.
Indian Maratha Style of Tourism Experience
Hut making, drawing Warli, Mud-Pot making, Cow milking, Cage hunting, Chicken slaughtering, Food preparation, Serving in Maratha style.
Maratha Style Of Food & Wearing Arrangement
Food preparations Pooran Poli, Thaipith, Zunka- Bhakar, Baigan Bharta, Aamti, Sea- food dishes. Wearing different styles of Sarees, Feta, Pagdi, Dhotars, Traditional Dresses.
Learning Maratha
Farmers Weapon, Implements training, Exercises, Malla-Khamb, Sports of Maratha, Kabaddi, Kusti, Lathi- Kathi, Danpatta, Talwarbaji. Fitness program.
Use of waste for bio-fertilizers Theory & Practical.
Farm House Services
Jobs of Farm house, Inside-outside responsibilities, works, Veggies procurements, Non-veg purchase, Housekeeping, food safety, Plumbing, Electric works, Pest Control, weed Control, Local marketing, Sale-purchase accounting, Record keeping.
Kitchen Gardening
Independent Growing of different veggies, medicinal plants for Farmhouse Kitchen, Rearing Chicken, Growing Fruit Plants, Daily needful Production in lonely land or Farmhouses.
Techniques for creating and maintaining a vermicomposting System. Theory and Practical Classes.
Farm House Services
Training on various aspects of managing a Farm house, including Procurement, Housekeeping and Maintenance. Theory and Practical Classes.
Kitchen Gardening
Techniques for growing vegetables and medicinal plants for personal or small-scale commercial use. Theory and Practical Classes.
Food Preservation
Methods for preserving food through techniques like canning, drying and fermenting. Theory and Practical Classes.
Basics of fish Farming and aquaculture, including pond Management and fish health. Theory and Practical Classes.
Beekeeping techniques, honey extraction and bee health. Theory and Practical Classes.
Mushroom Cultivation
Techniques for growing various types of mushrooms for Commercial and Personal use. Theory and Practical Classes.
Organic Pesticide Making
How to make organic Pesticides and insecticides for garden and Farm use. Theory and Practical Classes.
Farm Mechanization
Training on the use of various Farm machinery and tools for efficient Farming. Theory and Practical Classes.
Greenhouse Management
Techniques for setting up and managing a greenhouse for various crops. Theory and Practical Classes.
Soil Health Management
Understanding soil health, nutrient Management and soil testing. Theory and Practical Classes.
Sustainable Agriculture
Practices for sustainable Farming, including crop rotation, conservation tillage and integrated Pest Management. Theory and Practical Classes.
Principles of integrating Agriculture and forestry practices for sustainable land use. Theory and Practical Classes.

Ongoing Projects:

The titles of various Projects, Start-ups and initiatives undertaken by Avinash with different Partners & Stakeholders:
Pestosys LLP: A Start-up specializing in the development and manufacture of Natural Repellents for Vertebrate Pest Management.
BareFooter School: An educational initiative focused on skill development and job training for rural and grassroots individuals.
VPM Bio LLP: A Vertebrate Pest Management company offering biologically safe Projects for Agriculture.
Animal Out: A Product line of Pestosys LLP for Repelling Wild Pest animals like Monkeys and Wild boars.
Rat Run Green Bait: A Safe and edible bait for rats, developed as a dual-purpose Product also suitable as Cattle Feed.
Bee Safe Protection: A Start-up Project focusing on the Protection of bees in urban settings using Natural essential oil-based Products.
Gliricidia Fodder Project: An initiative to utilize Gliricidia sepium as Cattle Feed and a Natural deterrent for rats.
Eco-Friendly Dishware Project: A Start-up idea to produce dishes, bowls and other kitchenware from agricultural waste like sugarcane, bamboo and fruit tree waste.
Sustainable Wooden Kitchenware: A Project aimed at crafting kitchen utensils, containers and cookware from wood for health benefits.
Aquatic Ectoparasite Control: A Start-up focused on creating a Natural Project for ectoparasite Control in fish Farming using specially designed stoneware.
VPM Bio LLP's Avian Management Project: An initiative to develop Projects for bird Pest Control in various sectors including Agriculture and aviation.
Agricultural Pipeline Desilting Project: A Start-up Project for creating a herbal Project with EDTA to clean Agricultural and industrial pipelines from saline water siltation.
Organic Certification and Marketing Consultancy: A collaboration between Pestosys LLP and MGM Agritech & Research Institute Pvt. Ltd. for providing expertise in organic Farming and Product marketing.
Woolen Fabric Innovation: A Project to create sustainable Woolen garments and accessories from sheep wool, promoting health benefits and traditional crafting techniques.
Millet-Based Café Project: An entrepreneurial venture by Mr. Chinmay Bhor for promoting millet-based dishes in his Nakshatra Cafe, focusing on Healthy, Organic and Innovative culinary experiences.
Green Plant-Based Cattle Feed: A Start-up idea for producing Cattle Feed from non-edible weed plants, particularly focusing on Gliricidia Sepium.
Safety and Fire Consultancy Services: A division of Pestosys LLP offering professional services in safety Management Systems, Fire Prevention and Protection.
Airfield and Road Safety Projects: A Project under VPM Bio LLP for developing safety Projects for Airports and Roadways.
Agricultural Research and Collaboration with Universities: Initiatives for conducting field experiments and research collaborations with agricultural universities to benefit Farming communities.
Bee Safe Urban Project: Developing Natural Projects to safely Repel bees and other insects from urban environments without causing harm.
Pestosys LLP's Rat Run Bait Testing: Conducting multi-locational trials to test the efficacy of Rat Run bait in different environmental conditions.
PPP Model MOU with Horticulture Universities: A partnership model between Pestosys LLP and various horticulture universities for joint research and Product development.
Avinash Salunke's Intellectual Property Consultancy: Offering Consultancy Services in intellectual property Management and Protection for Start-ups and innovators.
Start-up Mentorship and Ecosystem Building: Engaging in activities to mentor new Start-ups, connect them with knowledge Partners and build a supportive Start-up ecosystem.
Forest Biodiversity Conservation Project: A Project focused on the conservation and sustainable use of forest biodiversity, promoting ecological balance.
Forest Project: Waiting for Grants
Animal Repellent for Monkey Wild and Stray Animals
Snake Management by Snake Out Powder
Snake Management by Natural Snake Out Powder
Tiger Repellent
Wildlife Mgmt. by Tiger Urine Repellent
Wild Boar Mgmt. by Bait
Rodent & Vermin Mgmt. by Sterility tools
Methyl Anthranilate Bait for Pigeon Repellent
Rodent & Vermin Mgmt. by Alpha Chlorohydrin Bait
Animal rescue tools Standardisation
Tool: Fire Wall & Fire Ball
Glyricidia based Rodent Mgmt.
AI based Fire Protection System
AI based Powered Drones for Search & Rescue
Online "Rest at Forest" for Accommodation & Ecotourism
Bee-Safe Management and Relocation of Wild Bees in Urban Settings