BareFooter School Founder Avinash Salunke: Bridging the Gap for a Better Future

Introduction to Avinash Salunke and His Vision:

Avinash Salunke, a Passionate and Visionary Leader, has dedicated his life to bridging the gap between Industry Needs, Academic Validation and the potential of Rural Youth. With a strong Global Network and a dedicated team at BareFooter School, Avinash is on a mission to build symbiotic relationships that support National and Global Development.

Avinash’s dream Project, which has already taken off with Five Courses at Khongnangthaba University, aims to create a Collaborative Ecosystem where Job Seekers, Start-ups and Rural Youth can thrive together. The key components of this Project are:

  1. Industry Need-Based Training and Job Placement:

Objective: To provide Practical, Industry-Relevant Training to Job Seekers, ensuring they are well-prepared for the Job Market.

Approach: Develop Courses in Collaboration with industry experts to address specific Skill Gaps. Establish partnerships with Companies for Internships and Job Placements.

  • Conduct Regular Industry Surveys to Identify Skill Gaps.
  • Design and deliver tailored Training Programs.
  • Facilitate Internships and Job Placements through Industry Connections.
  • Connecting Start-ups with University Students for Validation and Sponsorship:

Objective: To support Start-ups in Validating their Ideas and Finding Sponsorships by connecting them with University Students undertaking PhD and Post-Graduate Studies.

Approach: Create a Platform where Start-ups can pitch their ideas to Students and Faculty, fostering a Mutually Beneficial Relationship.


  • Organize Regular Pitch Events and Innovation challenges at universities.
  • Develop a Mentorship Program where Students can work with Start-ups on Real-World Problems.
  • Secure Funding and Sponsorship Opportunities through University-Industry Partnerships.
  • Empowering Rural Youth through Start-up Training and Mentoring:

Objective: To empower Rural Youth with the Skills and Knowledge needed to start their own businesses or become valuable employees in Start-ups.

Approach: Provide Training, Incubation and Mentoring tailored to the unique needs and strengths of Rural Youth.


  • Identify and recruit motivated Rural Youth through Community Outreach Programs.
  • Offer Training Programs focused on Entrepreneurship, Technical Skills and Business Management.
  • Connect Youth with Mentors and Incubators to support their Start-up journey.
  1. Engaging Universities:

Challenge: Universities may be hesitant to participate due to previous experiences or lack of awareness.

Solution: Build Strong, Personal Relationships with key University Stakeholders. Demonstrate the benefits of Collaboration through Pilot Projects and Success Stories. Provide clear value propositions, such as access to Industry Networks, Funding Opportunities and Real-World Impact.

  • Attracting Students and Youth:

Challenge: Students and Rural Youth may be reluctant to engage due to past experiences or lack of awareness.

Solution: Use targeted Marketing Campaigns to raise awareness. Highlight success Stories and Testimonials from Past Participants. Provide incentives such as Scholarships, Certifications and Guaranteed Job Placements or Start-up Funding.

  • Gaining Trust from Start-ups:

Solution: Showcase successful Collaborations and the tangible benefits Start-ups have gained. Offer initial free Consultations and Support to build trust. Leverage Avinash’s Global Network to connect Start-ups with Credible Partners and Resources.

Appeal to the Needy:

If you are seeking meaningful employment but lack the necessary Skills or connections, we at BareFooter School are here to help. Our Industry tailored Training Programs and Strong Network of Industry Partners ensure that you receive the Training and job placement support you need to succeed. Join us and take the first step towards a fulfilling career.

We invite you to join us in a unique opportunity to work with innovative Start-ups and gain practical experience while contributing to real-world solutions. Whether you are pursuing a PhD or a Post-Graduate Degree, our Platform connects you with Start-ups in need of Validation and Sponsorship. Together, we can drive Innovation and create a Positive Impact on Society.

If you have the passion and energy to succeed but lack the formal qualifications, we offer you the chance to receive Training, Mentoring and Support to start your own business or join a Start-up. Our Programs are designed to leverage your unique strengths and provide you with the Skills and Knowledge needed to reach new heights.

Are you looking for Validation, Sponsorship and a dedicated Team to help bring your ideas to life? BareFooter School connects you with University Students and a Global Network of Industry Experts to support your journey. Let us help you navigate the challenges and achieve your Vision.

Avinash Salunke and his team at BareFooter School are committed to making a difference. By creating a symbiotic relationship between job seekers, Start-ups, and Rural Youth, we aim to foster innovation, support economic growth, and build a brighter future for all. Join us in this journey and be a part of the change.

For more Information or to get Involved, Please Contact:

Avinash Salunke


Phone: +91-9422235816


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