
Understanding Animal Repellents: Solutions for Urban and Agricultural Areas


In both Urban and Agricultural Settings, the presence of Stray Animals such as Monkeys, Dogs and Cats can pose significant challenges. These Animals can Damage Property, Harm Crops and sometimes pose health risks to Humans and other Animals. Effective Animal Repellents are essential tools in managing these issues, ensuring the Safety of both Humans and the Animals themselves.

What is an Animal Repellent?

An Animal Repellent is a substance or method used to keep Animals away from specific areas or items without causing harm. These Repellents work by targeting the sensory perceptions of Animals—Taste, Smell, Vision and Touch. By creating unpleasant experiences associated with these Senses, Repellents discourage Animals from returning to the area.

How Animal Repellents Work?

Animal Repellents function by making the environment or the treated areas unattractive or uncomfortable to the target Animals, effectively altering their behaviour without inflicting harm:

Taste: Non-Toxic, Bitter substances can be applied to surfaces to Deter Animals from chewing or biting.

Smell: Strong Odours that are offensive to specific Animals can prevent them from entering treated areas.

Vision: Unusual visual elements can scare Animals away. Reflective surfaces, bright colors, or sudden movements are often used.

Touch: Textures that are unpleasant underfoot can be used to Deter Animals from walking through an area.

Research based Product Development by Pestosys LLP, Pune

Pestosys LLP, an Innovative Start-up based in Pune, is developing a cutting-edge Stray Animal Repellent liquid, tailored to address the nuisances caused by Monkeys, Stray Dogs and Cats effectively. Here’s how the Product is designed:

Product Features:

Type: Multi-sensory liquid Repellent

Application: Sprayable Solution for Gardens, Fences, Trash Bins and Exterior Walls


  1. Taste Modifier: Incorporates a Safe, Bittering agent that is displeasing to Taste but harmless to Animals and Humans.
  2. Olfactory Deterrent: Uses a blend of Essential Oils like Citronella and Peppermint, which are aversive to Stray Dogs and Monkeys but not offensive to Human Senses.
  3. Visual Deterrent: Infused with reflective particles that glitter in sunlight, creating an unsettling visual effect for Animals.
  4. Touch-Based Deterrent: Once dried, the Repellent leaves a Sticky Residue that is uncomfortable for Animals to walk on but can be easily washed off by Humans.
  1. Area Preparation: Clean the area of any food waste or other attractants before Application.
  2. Application: Spray the Repellent evenly over areas where Animals frequently intrude. Focus on Entry Points, Boundaries and near Trash Disposal Zones.
  3. Reapplication: Due to environmental factors such as Rain and Wind, reapply the Repellent every two weeks or after heavy rain.
  4. Monitoring: Keep track of the areas Sprayed and monitor Animal activity to adjust Application areas as needed.


  • Safety: Safe for use around Children, Seniors and Pets.
  • Eco-friendly: Made from natural ingredients, posing no harm to the environment.
  • Memory Deterrence: Once Animals experience the unpleasant effects, they are likely to remember and avoid treated areas, often communicating this to others in their group.

Handy Roll-On for Personal Use:

Citizens can use a Small, Handy Roll-On Applicator of “Animal Out” to Protect themselves from accidental Dog Bites, which are common in Urban areas. This Personal Repellent device is easy to carry and can be discreetly applied whenever needed, providing immediate protection from Stray Dogs.

Bird Repellent: “Animal Out” is also effective against common Urban Bird Pests like Pigeons. The same Repellent qualities that Deter Mammals can help keep Birds from Roosting and Nesting in unwanted areas, reducing mess and Potential Health Risks.

Wildlife Management: Extensive testing has Validated the effectiveness of “Animal Out” for controlling larger Wildlife such as Wild Monkeys and Wild Boars. Research conducted by Dr. Vikhe. Patil from Dr. BSKKV, Dapoli and Dr. Sakthivel from NIPHM, Hyderabad, confirms its efficacy. Furthermore, Ongoing Trials are exploring its use in Plant Protection and potentially protecting Humans from Leopards, spearheaded by ACF Forest Officer Mr. Sandeep Patil in the Sangamner Range.

Phase 1: Initial Roll-Out 

Begin with a Pilot Project in a select area within Ahmednagar District to test the effectiveness of the “Animal Out” Repellent using both Drone and Manual Spraying Techniques.

Phase 2: Evaluation 

Monitor the results closely to evaluate the impact on Stray Animal movements and incidents of Animal Bites or Accidents. Gather Feedback from the Community and Municipal workers on the practical aspects of the Repellent Application.

Phase 3: Expansion 

Depending on the success of the Pilot, gradually expand the Project to cover more areas within the District, adjusting Strategies based on lessons learned during the Initial Phases.

Stray Animal Repellent by Pestosys LLP represents a holistic approach to managing Urban Wildlife Interactions. By combining multiple Deterrent methods, it ensures Humane treatment of Animals while protecting Urban and Agricultural Environments from their disturbances. This Innovative Solution empowers communities to coexist peacefully with Urban Wildlife, Safeguarding Public Health and Property.

The Collaboration between Municipalities and the guidance provided by Mr. Siddharam Salimath aim to create a Safer and Healthier Environment for both Citizens and Animals. By using Innovative technologies and community-driven approaches, Ahmednagar district can become a model for effective Urban Wildlife Management, promoting harmony and Safety in its communities. This initiative not only addresses the immediate issues posed by Stray Animals but also contributes to broader environmental and Public Health Goals.

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